Postpartum prep

Just as we prepare the nursery for baby's arrival, we must prepare our bodies, homes, and family systems for the shifts that inevitably occur in motherhood.

MOTHERCARE is our program designed to help you prepare for childbirth and the postpartum period, specifically tackling the messy parts of recovery that often catch us by surprise. We work together to ensure that you feel ready, confident and calm as you cross the threshold into motherhood.

The program consists of four 55-minute sessions where we dive into the depths of what you can expect in the weeks and months after childbirth. Sessions will be tailored to your specific needs, but often cover the following topics:


1️⃣ Supporting your Mental Health: Learn to identify and differentiate the key symptoms of PMAD (Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Disorders), develop tools for optimizing your mental health on little sleep, and recognize when it’s time to phone a friend or clinician.

2️⃣ Your Physical Recovery at Home: What to expect in the days after childbirth, products to stock up on, when to call your OB / midwife.

3️⃣ Nourishment after delivery: Fueling your recovery, understanding macro & micronutrient depletion, preparing your home with the foods, herbs and supplements you may need for building and maintaining your milk supply, and so much more.

4️⃣ The new family system: Navigating relationship and identity evolution, how and when to ask for support, balancing your time, embracing your new reality.

Looking for additional support as you cross the threshold into motherhood? We are here for you! 🙌🏻


Postpartum swelling